Buildings that are energy efficiently planned and operated are no longer unique. Even the description “an intelligent building” is beginning to lose its exotic nature. Both trends are presently revolutionising the increasingly ambitious architecture and setting a course in the worldwide fight against climate change. In reality, energy conversation in the building sector has, to a great degree, become a trend and has slowly become an everyday concept for architects as well as for building constructors. Due to the recently recurring annual natural disasters, both large and small, we can see the impact of the increasing imbalance. We are, therefore, forced to look to the futureand take responsibility for the actions of our society. During the construction of a building, as well as during its operation, large amounts of energy are used, for this reason targeted usage in this area is especially effective. This does not necessarily mean the ultimate goal should be a “zero-energy house”; alone the intelligent networking of all devices to a decentralized complete system brings unforeseen savings. The networking of all electrical functions in a single installation bus system provides the opportunity for optimal coordinated control. The operation of heating, air-conditioning, lights and blinds for example can be aligned with external climate conditions and be controlled from an interface. Energy consumption is thereby kept within minimal boundaries. Since all electrical driven equipment and installations can be flexibly combined with one another and can be controlled by touch panels or by public networks (telephone, Internet), in the area of design and comfort this opens up almost unlimited possibilities. The creativity of the designer is now called upon, thereby bringing closer the goal of creating expressive and thrilling architecture which is both ecological and profitable. One thing is clear: We control climate change!